Directory of Ministries and Organizations

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The Legion exists to promote devotion to our patroness, the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The weekly meetings are usually held in Weber Hall on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 am. The Legion's big event of the year is the Mass and Procession on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in June.

Contact Maria Romine Kantor for information at 314-614-0857.

Works of The Legion:

  1. Home visitation of any kind.
  2. Nursing Home and Hospital visits.
  3. Institution visits—jails, prisons, half-way houses, alcoholics, unwed mothers, handicapped, mentally ill, retirement, etc…
  4. Bringing Holy Communion to the sick or shut-ins.
  5. Promote the prayer of the Rosary.
  6. Assist in the beautification of the Fatima Grotto.
  7. Promote the devotion of the consecration to Jesus through Mary.
  8. Create items to commemorate baptisms (as long as no pay is accepted).
  9. Conduct classes on the making of rosaries (as long as no pay is accepted).
  10. Supporting other organizations within the Church (such as the support group for families, that have a member struggling with addiction and the Church's Outreach committee)
  11. Assisting in the PSR program to promote the Catholic Faith (as long as no pay is accepted.)
  12. Lecturing for Right to Life, the vocation of marriage as a sacrament, and promoting the Catholic Faith at workshops, schools, etc.
  13. Street Work—book barrow, personal contact on street, at bars, etc., park rosary, working in booths at Congress, State Fair, etc., as long as you are promoting religion and /or the Legion.
  14. Distribution of Catholic literature—at bus depots, on bus seats, jails, doctor’s office, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.
  15. Transporting those in need to Mass, C.C.D., doctor, store, etc.
  16. Babysitting (without pay) small children, sick or elderly so family can attend Mass or other religious service, go to doctor, shopping, etc…
  17. Recruiting members for parish societies ( work done in other organizations of itself does not fulfill legion duty)
  18. Enthronement or promotion of Enthronement of the Sacred Heart.
  19. Acting as preside of Jr. Praesidia
  20. Serving funeral dinners (if assigned, and especially in cases where no one else is available.)
  21. Phoning of auxiliaries and shut-ins -- This ideally should be limited to those who are unable to do more active work.
  22. Promoting of the Pilgrim Statue.
  23. Recitation of the Rosary at wakes or funerals.
  24. Organizing Rosary Groups.
  25. Setting up of Bible classes.
  26. Any Work assigned by the Pastor, Fr. Tom, as long as it has nothing to do with the collection of money or material assistance.

 How To Get Involved: 

Types of membership

Active members: They are encouraged to regularly attend the weekly sessions of their praesidium (the group that meets at 9am or at 6:45pm at St. Gianna's on Tuesdays) and pray daily the prayer of the Legion, the Catena Legionis, which consists essentially of the Magnificat and some shorter prayers. Their main role lies in active apostolate for the Legion and the Church. Active members under the age of 18 are not allowed to give the "Legion promise" until they turn 18. Members 18 and under are considered Juniors, and are able to hold any office except President in their praesidium.

Auxiliary members: They support the Legion through their prayer. They pray the whole brochure of Legion prayers, the Tessera, every day. The Tessera consists of the Invocation, prayers to the Holy Spirit, the Rosary, the Catena, and the concluding prayers of the Tessera.