
New Compassion Group Forming:

Posted on June 19, 2023 in: General News

“Society of Found Sheep” Training

There is a real exodus from the faith in many good Catholic families. So many families are hurting, confused, and struggling with what to do and where to turn. And many more are just conforming to the culture in which we live.

This is a compassion group where people would gather together in prayer for the sole purpose of asking Our Lord to find His lost and wandering sheep and bring them back into the sheep fold. This would also be a support for families who are grieving and hurting, knowing their children have left the Church, but also knowing that God hears and answers the prayers of the faithful. It all starts with PRAYER. The plan is to form compassion groups throughout the diocese with the intention of asking God to find the lost sheep through the prayerful petition of His faithful. We were all lost once and now are found.

We have put together a model which can be easily started in parishes. If you are interested in going to the training, please let your pastor know you would like to take this training and reply to alicerodriguez@archstl with your name, phone #, parish name and pastor’s name.